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Saliency mapping for cardiac imaging

At Caption Health (now part of GE Healthcare), I worked with Charles Frye on a method for interpreting which parts of ultrasound video contributed to algorithimic detection of heart valve disease.
tech ethicscommunity organizingartdata visualization

Dreaming up radical AI futures

Our Relationship with AI: Exploring the Present & Dreaming Up Radical Futures was a workshop at FAccT CtrlZ.AI Zine Fair 2020. I co-organized this workshop with other members of the Radical AI Network, leading the participants in a collaborative hands-on data painting of their personal and collective imagined futures with AI.
data visualizationart

Dear Data postcard exchange

Following the footsteps of the Dear Data project by Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec, Ching Hsieh and I exchanged a series of handmade data visualization postcards, each one depicting a codified slice of our personal lives.

data visualizationlanguagemachine learning

The Narrative Explorer

The Narrative Explorer is an app for deconstructing and visualizing narrative structure of stories. It was project co-designed with Asako Miyakawa that I expanded into my Masters degree in Computer Science.
artdata visualizationscience educationneuroscience

The Mind's Eye

The Mind's Eye was a gesture-based interactive UI for exploring 3D models of the brain via a LeapMotion controller. James Gao and I co-designed this UI for the Cognitive Technologies exhibit at the Exploratorium museum.
artdata visualizationscience educationneuroscience

Dr. Brainlove

Dr. Brainlove is a climbable interactive 27-foot-long brain car with lights controllable by EEG and neural models. It was built by the artist-scientist consortium the Phage, dubbed by the Atlantic "the most Burning Man thing ever", and was featured at SXSW Interactive and the Bay Area Science Festival.
neurosciencemachine learningsoftware


Pyrcca is an open-source Python package for performing canonical correlation analysis (CCA). I developed it as part of my PhD research in the Gallant lab, which involved modeling brain activity using CCA. Pyrcca is not actively maintained - use at your own risk.
data visualizationscience educationpublishing

Berkeley Science Review: digital magazine

The mobile app of the Berkeley Science Review magazine was based on the now defunct Adobe InDesign Digital Publishing Suite. I led development for the app, in collaboration with Asako Miyakawa and Helene Moorman.

© ny bilenko 2023

I made this site to learn more about next.js and tailwind. Inspired by design by Manu Aurora. Favicon by iconixar.